Art in Krivoklat
Atelier Krivokl´ART is committed to push a significant transformation in the region of Krivoklat through its support of international exchange of artists.
If you wish to contribute to our cause please write us. We are very happy to discuss it with you.
The idea has been in our minds for many years, although we were able to complete the reconstruction of the bank premises only recently. The reconstruction was executed in very sensitive manner in order to preserve the 1920's architectural elements.
Art space available
The art space is open for the use to all ages, sexes, religions, vocational and educational levels, who wish to be linked to Krivoklat and to support Krivoklat's art and craft activities. 
We seek guests with a sense of social responsibility, warm and positive. 
We believe that the environment of Krivoklat can be fulfilling and learning experience.
Please write us to find out how you can contribute through donations to help with the cultural activities in Krivoklat. Our current mission is to collect funds to help our artist with a stipend while in our Atelier.